Provide a forum for member programs AFWC's to offer mutual support and information
Provide collaboration and support to new academic fieldwork & capstone coordinators.
Fieldwork & Capstone Educator Development
Provide continuing education opportunities for fieldwork & capstone educators to enhance OT education in practice settings.
Promote the development of site specific learning objectives with fieldwork & capstone sites
Research & Scholarship
Collaborate on educational and professional presentations
Cooperate with Members on research and writing opportunities
Understand & comply with ACOTE standards
Discuss ACOTE compliance issues and assist academic fieldwork & capstone coordinators with interpretation of ACOTE Standards
Communicate changes/updates related to OT Education to fieldwork & capstone sites
Member Programs: The PRFWCC requires that the fieldwork & capstone coordinators from a Member Program contributes to the Mission of the Consortium in substantial ways, and through a variety of activities, according to their skills and abilities. Activities of the PRFWCC that support our Mission, and in which members are expected to participate are:
Active participation in Consortium Annual Strategie Plan
Attendance at scheduled monthly meetings:
Members must make an effort to send a representative to every meeting.
Remote participation (Skype. conference call) is permissible if technology is available at the meeting site.
Payment of dues and other financial responsibilities that the the membership may vote to assume - must pay annual dues, at minimum
Identification and development of new fieldwork & capstone sites in the region and elsewhere
Active participation in fieldwork & capstone educator development
Active participation in subcommittee projects and initiatives
University/College/School with whom the program is associated must be in good standing with their respective accrediting body, i.e. Middle States, etc. Program must be in good standing with the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education Academic fieldwork & capstone coordinator must be hired with name provided at time of membership. Membership begins in September of each new academic year.
New Member Programs: All OT and OTA programs in the region are welcome to be members of the Consortium. Membership in the consortium brings certain benefits to occupational therapy academic programs and to their fieldwork & capstone coordinators. The PRFWCC expects that new programs will contribute to the Mission of the consortium through a variety of activities, according to their skills and abilities. Please see requirements of member programs for a full list of these activities.
In addition to participating in consortium activities, member programs must pay annual dues which are set by the consortium by consensus.
The Philadelphia Region is defined by the consortium as the five county area consisting of Bucks, Chester, Delaware. Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties with Stockton University grandfathered in as a member.
The PRFWCC shall meet at such times and places as voted on prior to the start of each academic semester.
Additional Committee meetings may be scheduled for specific task groups to address business or specific projects.
At any meeting, a majority of voting members is required to be present to make a motion and vote on the motion.
Voting during standing meetings must have a quorum of half membership plus one voting member.
Voting on time sensitive matters outside of standing meeting times may at times be required. The process for email voting is that a motion will be sent by the Secretary with a request for reply within 5 days.
Voting will be closed on the deadline date and no responses received thereafter shall be counted.
Co-Chairs: Jeanne Coviello and Kristy Meyer
Responsibilities include:
Coordination of meetings
Liaison between AOTA, COE, and EDSIS
Disseminate information to consortium members
Communicate with other stakeholders including other consortium
Communicates legislative updates (federal and state)
SECRETARY: Michele Peterson
Responsibilities include:
Manage agenda and email to members for comment.
Keep minutes during scheduled meetings.
Distribute minutes in advance of next meeting date.
Send reminder of meeting location and date in advance of next meeting.
TREASURER: Courtney Gohean
Responsibilities include:
Receipt and distribution of funds.
Bill member programs for annual fee.
Provide written report including budget to actual income and expenditures.
Provide history of annual budget for fall meeting to assist in preparation of budget for following year.
Disperse funds in accordance with established policies and procedures.
Responsibilities include:
Liaisons to state organizations
Maintaining consortium website
Manage email correspondence on behalf of the consortium
Oversee social media presence
Responsibilities include:
Represent programs at POTA District V Board
Visit OT/OTA academic programs to educate on POTA membership
Responsibilities include:
Communicates legislative updates (federal and state)
Liaisons to state organizations
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Philadelphia Region Occupational Therapy Fieldwork & Capstone Consortium